Data Analysis is the final and most important aspect of the chain of activities performed in a GWD. The faint signal must be extracted from the output of the interferometer, embedded in the background noise. Key ingredients of this activity are the modelling of the expected signal, filtering of the data stream, vetoing through a deep knowledge of the technical aspects of the GWD, correlation with the output of the GWD in the world wide network and statistical analysis. High performance programming and parallel computing (GPUs) are crucial competences in this sub-programme.


1. Introduction

2. Rotating relativistic stars

3. Oscillations

4. Binary neutron star mergers

Binary neutron star mergers are a prime source of gravitational waves. The merger will typically lead to the formation of a differentially rotating, oscillating massive neutron star. The main post-merger oscillation frequencies are potentially detectable through their gravitational wave emission and are related to the radius of nonrotating neutron stars. There is good prospect for radius measurements with an accuracy of a few hundred meters that would essentially reveal the true equation of state of neutron stars. These measurements are complementary to efforts based on the inspiral part of the gravitational-wave signal, as the merger remnant probes higher densities than those found within the individual stars before merger.