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Sixth GraWIToN School - Project Management School

by Erika Morucci -
Picture of Group A

Recently, the most important discoveries of the research in Physics have been achieved by huge research teams operating in large infrastructures. Both the discovery of the Higgs boson and the first direct detection of gravitational waves have been the last step of a long path involving long term investments, large international scientific collaborations and complex projects. The management of this kind of scientific projects requires tools, organisation and procedures directly derived from the Engineering management discipline, but adapted to specific requirements in scientific research.
One-week school, within the framework of the GraWIToN project, is organised at the European Gravitational Observatory and it is addressed to PhD students and young researchers. Elements on the methodologies for managing large research projects in the private sector will be presented.

GraWIToN is an Initial Training Network (ITN), funded by European Commission under FP7-Marie Curie Actions for four years, focused on the training of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the gravitational wave (GW) research field. This research field is in an impressive expansion period, thank to the detection in the LIGO interferometers of the gravitational wave signal emitted by the coalescences of two black holes. The whole GraWIToN project with its schools, coherently with the spirit of the INT Marie Curie Actions, will train young researchers both for a future in the academia and in the private industrial sector, in particularly for the R&D-based companies that are the suppliers of high-tech components and apparatuses.

The 6th GraWIToN school concludes a set of schools scheduled in the GraWIToN project dedicated to different aspects of GW and astrophysics research: Optics, Simulation, High Power Lasers and Data Analysis. Outreach and project management methodologies are part of this school.

The school will start on November 21st and end on November 25th. One week, during which students can follow lectures by the experts in the GW community and become ready for their work path. 

The school focuses on Project Management topics and Seminars.

Fifth GraWIToN School - 2nd DAS School

by Erika Morucci -
Picture of Group A

A one week school, addressed to PhD students and young post-docs in scientific disciplines, focused on gravitational wave data analysis, is organized by the INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Sezione di Roma, at the University of Roma "Sapienza", by the GraWIToN European consortium.

GraWIToN is an Initial Training Network (ITN), funded by European Commission under FP7-Marie Curie Actions for four years, focused on the training of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the gravitational wave (GW) research field. This research field is in an impressive expansion period, thank to the detection in the LIGO interferometers of the gravitational wave signal emitted by the coalescences of two black holes. The whole GraWIToN project with its schools, coherently with the spirit of the ITN Marie Curie Actions, will train young researchers both for a future in the academia and in the private industrial sector, in particularly for the R&D-based companies that are the suppliers of high-tech components and apparatuses.

The 5th GraWIToN school is part of a set of schools scheduled in the GraWIToN project dedicated to different aspects of GW and astrophysics research: Optics, Simulation, High Power Lasers and Data Analysis. Outreach and project management methodologies are part of this school.

This Data Analysis School will be the second of two schools dedicated entirely to GW data analysis. In the first school we concentrated on the analysis of data for Gravitational Transient Signals (Burst, CBC and EM Follow Up); instead, in the second one, we will focus on Continuous Signals (spinning neutron stars and stochastic background).

The school starts on October 24th, Monday and ends on October 28th, Friday. 

Great importance will be given to ‘hands-on’ work and all the modules of the schools will be integrated with practical sessions.

All the slides, lectures an exercises are available in the Moodle server of the GraWIToN project.

4th GraWIToN School - 2nd Tech School

by Erika Morucci -
Picture of Group A

A one-week long school, addressed to PhD students and young post-docs in scientific disciplines related to gravitational wave detection, organised by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) and the Leibniz Universität Hannover, for the GraWIToN European consortium.

GraWIToN is an Initial Training Network (ITN), funded by European Commission under FP7-Marie Curie Actions for four years, focused on the training of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the gravitational wave research field. Research in this area in growing, thanks to the 2nd generation of gravitational wave detectors promising the discovery of graviational wave in the next few years. Following the spirit of the ITN Marie Curie Actions, the GraWIToN project will train young researchers both for a future career in the academia and in the private industrial sector, in particularly for the R&D-based companies that are the suppliers of high-tech components and apparatuses.

This 4th GraWIToN school is part of a set of GraWIToN schools dedicated to different aspects of gravitational wave research: Optics, Simulation, High Power Lasers and Data Analysis. This Technical School will be the second of two schools dedicated entirely to the instrumentation aspects of graviational wave detection. We will focus on optics and optical simulations, using hands-on projects based on iPython notebooks lectures and laboratory sessions.

The school starts on September 12, Monday and ends on September 16, Friday. All the teaching materials will be made available via the Moodle server of the GraWIToN project.

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