A one-week long school, addressed to PhD students and young post-docs in scientific disciplines related to gravitational wave detection, organised by the Gravitational Wave Group, University of Birmingham, for the GraWIToN European consortium.

GraWIToN is an Initial Training Network (ITN), funded by the European Commission in the seventh Framework Programme, focused on the training of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the gravitational wave research field. Research in this area in growing, thanks to the 2nd generation of gravitational wave detectors promising the discovery of graviational wave in the next few years. Following the spirit of the ITN Marie Curie Actions, the GraWIToN project will train young researchers both for a future career in the academia and in the private industrial sector, in particularly for the R&D-based companies that are the suppliers of high-tech components and apparatuses.

This 3rd GraWIToN school is part of a set of GraWIToN schools dedicated to different aspects of gravitational wave research: Optics, Simulation, High Power Lasers and Data Analysis. This Technical School will be the first of two schools dedicated entirely to the instrumentation aspects of graviational wave detection. We will focus on optics and optical simulations, using hands-on projects based on iPython notebooks lectures and laboratory sessions.

The school starts on January 25, Monday and ends on January 29, Friday. All the teaching materials will be made available via the Moodle server of the GraWIToN project.